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更新时间:2025-03-17 15:26:51

out of the way

英 [aut ɔv ðə wei]

美 [aʊt ʌv ði we]

偏远; 异常的; 罕见的; 不碍事

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1. so as not to obstruct or hinder

e.g. put that box out of the way so that no one trips on it

2. dealt with
disposed of

e.g. I'm so relieved that my midterm is out of the way

3. murdered

e.g. the mob boss wanted his rival out of the way

4. in a remote location or at a distance from the usual route

e.g. the restaurant is top-notch, but a little out of the way

5. improper

6. extraordinary

e.g. such erratic behavior was out of the way for him

1. 偏僻的;罕见的:out of the question 不可能 | out of the way 偏僻的;罕见的 | out of the/this world 只应天上有

2. 偏僻:4 helpful assistance热心的帮助 | out of the way 偏僻 | 5 print a schedule印制时间表

3. 偏僻的:out of the plan price 计划外价格 | out of the way 偏僻的 | out of trim 失去平衡


4. 不当道,不恰当,异常:out of question不可能,做不到的 | out of the way不当道,不恰当,异常 | out of work失业

I moved my legs out of the way so that she could get past.(我挪开腿让她过去。)
I didn't say anything until Dad was out of the way.(我直到爸爸走开之后才说话。)
She had obviously noticed nothing out of the way.(她显然没发现异常情况。)
My foot slipped from under me, knocking the other out of the way, but I recovered and said to myself that it's a slip and not a fall.(我一只脚滑了一跤,另一只脚也因而站不稳了。但晃过神来时,我就告诫自己:这只不过是滑了一跤,并不是摔倒爬不起来了。)
She nudged me out of the way.(她将我慢慢地推开了。)
I go to give him a kiss—just a peck—and he veers off, jerking his head out of the way like a nervous racehorse.(我走过去要给他一个吻,只是匆匆一吻,而他却转身走开了,像匹紧张的赛马似的把头扭到一边。)
She elbowed me out of the way to get to the front of the line.(她用肘部把我推开朝队伍前面挤。)
The plan has to remain confidential at least until the local elections are out of the way.(此项计划至少得保密到地方选举结束为止。)
Do it first thing in the morning, and get it out of the way.(早上起来第一件事就是查看这些,并将它完成。)
Please get out of the way, everybody.(大家让让路。)
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